How do I prevent falls?

Can you guess what the second leading cause of accidental death is worldwide?


Having a fall can lead to devastating consequences for both you and your family.

Falls can:

  • Lead to an early death
  • Steal your independence
  • Rob you of your dignity
  • Lead to a poor quality of life
  • Send you to the hospital
  • Send you to the nursing home
  • Require extensive ongoing care and recovery
  • Use up much or all of your hard-earned nest egg

The most common area falls occur in is your home.

Those over the age of 65 are at most risk of a fall.

What if you could learn how to prevent falls before they occur?

That’s exactly why I decided to write my new book, Don't Fall

What’s in the book?

In Don’t Fall! 101 Ways to Reduce Your Fall Risk at Home, I teach you how to help reduce your fall risk at home. The book is divided into 3 easy to reference sections.

Section 1 Environmental Hazards

This section teaches you of many of the overlooked potential dangers of each room of the home. From the bedroom to the bathroom, the kitchen to the living room, all the way flooring and entry ways/exits, stairs, and everything in between, we teach you how to reduce your fall risk associated with each area of the home.

Section 2 Personal Hazards

This section walks you through the potential fall risks associated with your own body and how you move around in your home. We first look at the body and what makes up our balance. We look briefly at each component that influences your balance. Next, we go through some strategies that have been shown to help people improve their components of balance. 

In addition to learning your body, you will also learn of other potential fall risks associated with everyday activities and how to improve the safety of each. This section also gives some tips for safety with transfers and some common ways to help reduce fall risk.

Section 3 Equipment Hazards & Helps

The final section of the book goes through some of the equipment that are often recommended by therapists such as myself, and the help that each may be able to provide. While there are great helps to these devices like canes and walkers, there are also some potential dangers you need to be aware of.

Why write a book on preventing falls?

So many of the clients I see for therapy have come to me due to a fall. The majority of them fell at home and ended up with a broken hip, a head injury, or some other serious injury which required surgery. After having an extensive stay in rehab, they come home and keep working on their recovery to get their life back. Some are able to do so with hard work and others sometimes don’t get to the point to where they feel, “back to normal.” 

While encouraging and thrilling as it is to get someone back to normal in their life of mobility, I kept thinking how great it would be if people would learn how to reduce their fall risk to hopefully prevent falls in the first place! 

Many falls could be reduced or even not occur the first place if people had known about and incorporated some basic fall prevention strategies.

If we could learn ways to reduce fall risk, hopefully the falls, injury, heartbreak, and long recovery process would be prevented!

Throughout this book, I draw from over a decade of personal experience teaching people how to reduce their fall risk. I’ve also had the privilege of consulting with other expert therapists including my father who currently has over 40 years of experience teaching people how to reduce their fall risk and improve their mobility.

Where can I get the book?

Don’t Fall! 101 Ways to Reduce Your Fall Risk at Home can currently be found on Amazon.

You can click the affiliate link above or picture of the book below to get your copy of Don’t Fall!

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Free Fall Prevention Guide

Every 11 Seconds, 1 in 4 adults over the age of 65 experience a fall requiring medical care.

Falls are devastating! They will rob you of your independence and your mobility. Learn how to reduce your fall risk in the home with our Free Fall Prevention Guide.