
The Life of Doctor Waller

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Shawn and John Waller


A future physical therapist is born

On a beautiful sunny Florida day, I made my entrance into the world.

My name is Shawn Waller. I was born into a loving family. My hard-working father, John was (and still is) a practicing physical therapist. My loving mom, Penny worked as a creative interior designer. And my younger brother, Dustin is a plant extraordinaire!

I grew up thinking I was going to be an architect, similar to mom.

The first accident that changed my life

On August 26th, 2003 I received the news after I had gone to my part time job in my junior year of high school...

My dad was involved in a life-threatening accident while cycling with a group of cyclists. It was a terrible accident that involved a car and other cyclists. My dad ended up breaking his femur (thigh bone) in more than 15 different spots. He also broke his shoulder blade, and the doctors told him he would likely never walk again or work as a physical therapist. With God's help, my mom's care, and his active lifestyle as a marathon runner and cyclist, he was able to pull through. When I saw what physical therapy did for my dad to get him back to walking and eventually running again, I was amazed and hooked!


John Waller Accident
Shawn Lose 100 lbs




Began volunteering at dad's physical therapy clinic (and lost 100 lbs!)

After dad's recovery and eventual return to practice as a physical therapist, I decided to volunteer at his clinic after school and before work.

It was here that I guess you can say I saw my very first client! (I helped dad with supervising his clients' exercises). I started seeing people get their active lives back with physical therapy after recovering from a surgery or injury. People were walking again and combing their hair for the first time in months or years. It was here that I fell in love with physical therapy. A huge bonus was that I also began working out with the equipment at his clinic and made some dietary changes. With those changes towards an active lifestyle, I lost 100 lbs!

Determined to study how to help people as a physical therapist

With my new found love of physical therapy and helping people achieve their active lifestyles, I resolved to head to the university to work towards becoming a Doctor of Physical Therapy.

My bachelors degree was in Human Performance (Exercise Physiology) and I then went on to receive my Doctorate of Physical Therapy at Florida Gulf Coast University.

While studying, I began practicing in many different clinical settings - one even being with the Boston Red Sox during Spring Training!


Dr. Shawn Waller Graduation
Spiderman Shawn


Began helping people as a Doctor of Physical Therapy

After 7 years of schooling, I began helping people as a doctor of physical therapy in July of 2011.

I began my practice in a large acute hospital setting. I wanted to  help people right when they had an injury or directly after their surgery. I enjoyed the area of orthopedics, neurology, and especially the vestibular (inner ear balance) system.

After the acute hospital, I transitioned to an acute rehabilitation hospital. It was here that I began working with clients who had many serious injures like strokes and trauma surgery from car accidents.

Then I decided it would be fun to work with clients in their own home rather than in a rehab hospital setting. I transitioned to the home health setting where I get to work with people in their own unique environment. It was here that I saw the real need to prevent falls in the home setting. I pursued advanced balance and vestibular training in order to help my clients prevent more falls.

The second accident that changed my life (and many others)

It's a long story, and...

I didn't know it at the time, but my future wife, Lauren, was in a life-threatening, life-altering car accident that resulted in a broken pelvis and traumatic brain injury. Through the Lord's kindness and a lot of hard work, she made it! 

She had to learn how to breathe, sit up, talk, eat, and walk all over again. She had extensive physical, occupational, and speech therapy.


Lauren Waller
Waller Wedding


The Big Day

After years of praying for Lauren's recovery...

I got to meet Lauren for the first time a couple years after her accident! We began talking and exchanging correspondance over the next few months. We became great friends. On April 11th, 2015, I was able to marry my best friend! Lauren is a huge help to me and our family. She makes our family's life organized and aesthetically pleasing. (She's a graphic designer).

Began teaching clients and other healthcare workers through training events and writing

I had always loved teaching my clients on-on-one...

It was in 2015 that I decided to begin teaching other healthcare workers, caregivers, and families in the community in group training sessions. I found out quickly that while I loved teaching my clients one-on-one, I also love teaching a group of people all at the same time. There's nothing like seeing light bulbs go off when the information suddently "clicks!"

In 2017, I decided to write my first book, "Ready, Set, Go! Overcoming Movement Difficulties with Parkinsons Disease."


Shawn Waller DPT, your PT guy
DF Devices


Decision to create courses that help you

In 2018, I decided to begin working on my second book, "Don't Fall! 101 Ways to Reduce Your Fall Risk at Home"...

This special book is a composition of years of time-tested techniques and proven strategies that I use every day when I teach clients how to prevent falls in their own home. In the process of writing, my clients began asking me if there would ever be a way to actually see all the techniques and strategies in video format.

Over the course of another couple of years, I began filming videos to compile into a comprehensive online training course that teaches you how to reduce your fall in every area of the home. Additionally, the training teaches you about your body, it's balance, and steps people may take to improve their fall risk as well. Finally, the potential benefits and hazards associated with medical equipment are also discussed.

This comprehensive premium online training course is open to enroll at certain times of the year.

Our Year of Jubilee

In 2019, Lauren and I decided to embark on the journey to adoption!

Lauren and I have desired children throughout our marriage. After 7 years, we were blessed to finalize our international adoption where we adopted our little girl, Jubilee!

We prayed for Jubilee for years and on November 26th, 2021, we were able to meet Jubilee for the first time and welcome her into her forever family.

Jubilee is one special girl. She has already influenced not only us, but others in her bravery and tenacity. She's as smiley as can be and loves to help people. Her personality matches her name perfectly. She likes watching daddy help people 🙂

We are thrilled to have the blessing of her in our home. 


Waller Family - India, Taj Mahal