Do you want to maintain your independence at home?

 Falling in your home can be devastating.

Learn how to prevent falls and maintain your independence.

Have you ever thought about what life would be like if you had a fall in your home? 

What if you broke a hip or hit your head due to a fall? 

What if you had to go to the hospital?

What if you had to go through surgery and months of rehab to hopefully get back to living in your own home? What if you couldn’t go back home but had to go into a nursing home?

Would a nursing home stay gobble up your hard-earned nest egg for you or your loved one?

Shawn Waller - Your PT Guy

Greetings, I'm Shawn Waller.

As a doctor of physical therapy, I have worked with thousands of people who had these same questions and fears. If you want to learn how to maintain your independence with mobility and avoid the nursing home like the plague, keep reading!

Falling at home can have serious consequences that reach into every aspect of your life. One of the main threats to your independence at home is having a fall.

Falls are the second leading cause of death in worldwide. The injuries people sustain after a fall can often be life changing and can lead to disability.


Every 11 Seconds, 1 in 4 adults over the age of 65 experience a fall requiring medical care, according to Medical Guardian.


Deaths per year due to falls

37.4 Million +

Fall related injuries
requiring medical care

Age 65+

Age most at risk for
fall related deaths

If you haven't had a fall yourself, maybe your spouse, friend, or family member has. As we age, our bodies are more at risk of falling for a variety of reasons. If you are able to come successfully home from a fall and regain your indepenence to some extent, you are still at greater risk for a future fall. All the while, you may also be trying to manage and recover financially.

BUT - There IS hope!

The best way to fight falls is to prevent falls in the first place. 

What if you could learn the time-tested strategies and for each room in your home to learn how to reduce your risk of falling, before a fall occurred?

What if you could spot some of the hidden dangers within your own body that may lead to a fall before it's too late?

That's where the Don't Fall online course comes in.

Don't Fall
Online Video Course

My clients don't want to end up in a nursing home, especially because of a fall. They want to remain independent in their homes. When you enroll in this online course, you will learn and be able to implement the same time-tested strategies and essential steps that I teach all of my clients to help them stay safe at home. And you will learn from the comfort of your own home!

Here’s What You’ll Get When You Sign Up

When you enroll for the online course, you will be directed to the Don't Fall course page. Here, you will be automatically logged into the course and have instant access to all the modules, chapters, lesson videos, and bonus material. The time to complete the course is up to you. There is currently over 4 hours of training with more to be added in the future.

One of the benefits of the course is that you will be able to work at your own pace. You can pause and replay the videos as many times as you would like. It's good to learn and take action at your own pace so that the strategies you learn will stick. 

By the end of the course, you should have a comprehensive understanding of how to reduce your fall risk around your home, how to improve your own body's stability, and how equipment can help reduce the risk of falls.

Instant Lifetime Access

When you register for the online course, you will have instant access to all the video training. You will have lifetime access to the course.

Work at Your Own Pace

Learning new things can be hard sometimes! With the online video training format, you will be able to go through the training at your own pace. You will the ability to pause and rewind the videos. You can also jump around to specific sections or revisit important sections in the future.

Future Bonus Videos

While you have lifetime access to the course, you will also have access to any future bonus videos that are uploaded to the course in the future.

Discover Recommended Equipment

Discovery the most commonly recommended medical equipment Dr. Waller often recommends to many of his clients and also how to use the equipment. This includes walkers, canes, grab bars, commodes, and other household helps.

Here’s what people are saying

"I like how you explain things." - C.D.

"I have learned so much from all your teaching. You explain things in a way that makes sense." -V.J.

"You have so much useful knowledge to last a lifetime!" - D.C.

What's inside the course?


Module 1: Be aware of Your Surroundings

In this module, I will teach you the potential hazards and safety recommendations for each room of the house - with the exception of a basement. Here in Florida, if we had a basement, we'd be under water and we cannot film under water.  

Each room of the house will be considered a "Chapter." We will cover the bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, dining room, living room, hallways, floors, stairs, and entry/exits. This module has 90 videos of teaching practical steps to take in order to reduce your fall risk.


Module 2: Be Aware of Your Body

In the second module, our attention will be turned to the body itself. Each chapter will cover essentials about how the human body moves in its environment. The human body can either be optimized for stability or it can be a teetering tower ready to fall down.

Some of the topics of the lessons include the 4 essential components of balance - strength, vision, sensation, and the inner ear vestibular system. We also will dive into additional topics such as some key energy conservation strategies, sleep strategies, and other strategies that help optimize and stabilize the body.


Module 3: Be Aware of Equipment Helps & Hazards

Within this last module, we will discuss possible equipment that may help you. Sometimes people may need a little bit of extra help to improve their balance at first. Other times, people may already be using assistive equipment that help them remain stable. The lessons will go over some of the most common recommended assistive devices such as walkers and canes.

You will also learn some of the potentially life-saving tips on how to safely use assistive devices that many people don't realize until it's too late. Devices are meant to help you, not harm you! There are correct and incorrect ways to use them. You must know how to properly use them in order to be safe.


In addition to receiving lifetime access to the course, you will also receive these bonuses!

Bonus 1
Free Don't Fall! e-book
Don't Fall 3D Book

When you purchase the Don't Fall online course, you will also be able to download the electronic version of the "Don't Fall!" book.

This book is a companion to the video course. Within it, you will learn 101 ways to reduce your fall risk.

This electronic version only available exclusively by purchasing the Don't Fall online course.

Bonus 2
Mobility Workbook
Don't Fall Workbook

You will also receive access to the Mobility Workbook which helps you learn how to improve your strength, posture, and balance. 

Bonus 3
Recommended Equipment
Walker Comparison Guide

You will also receive access to a resource page of the medical equipment Dr. Waller recommends.

In addition, you will be able to access all the links that Dr. Waller recommends throughout the course below each of the video lessons.

About The Course Teacher,
Shawn Waller

As a doctor of physical therapy, Dr. Waller has worked with thousands of people to reduce their fall risk and maintain their independence in the home. He currently works primarily in the home setting one-on-one with his clients. He loves what he does and he is an avid reader and teacher. He enjoys teaching healthcare workers and his local community alike. His goal is to help people stay independent in their homes so that they don't end up having a fall and needing to go into a nursing home. He has authored two books and crafted the Don't Fall online video course. His efforts continue to help many people reduce their fall risk and live independently in their home.

Shawn Waller DPT, your PT guy
Shawn Waller DPT, your PT guy

Here’s what people are saying about Dr. Waller

I love Dr. Waller's teaching style

"I certainly enjoyed Dr. Waller's down-to-earth teaching style. His clear direction and step-by-step instruction is at a level that anyone can grasp, even me! It is more like a fireside chat than classroom instruction.
I now feel very well equipped to handle the challenges that lie ahead." 

Craig L.

Hobe Sound, FL

Easy Instructions

"Your easy to follow instructions relieved any fear that I could have had. I was eager to do exaclty what you said to quickly restore my health."

L. M.

Tequesta, FL

An amazing gift for teaching

"He has a way of educating you, without it actually feeling like you're learning because he makes everything so relatable. He also has an amazing gift for teaching."

Denise W.

West Palm Beach, FL

How much could a fall cost you?

$89,000 / year

Average cost of semi private
room in nursing home

2.5 - 5 Years

Average length of long term
stay in a nursing home

$225,000 - $445,000+

  Cost of medical bills and nursing
home stay between 2.5 - 5 years

Why should I take the course?

Things to think through before making a decision.

Potential Benefits for Taking Course

  • Reduce fall risk
  • Avoid hospital stay, surgery, and nursing home
  • Remain at home independently
  • Maintain social outings with friends and family
  • Maintain higher quality of life

Potential Costs for Not Taking Course

  • More fall risk
  • Hospital stay, surgery, and rehab or nursing home for weeks to months or years
  • Unable to remain at home independently
  • Loss of social outings, time with family and friends
  • Loss of nest egg due to medical and nursing home bills
  • Loss of quality of life

Is your health worth it?

Every 11 seconds one out of every four adults has a fall requiring medical attention.

  • Take control today
  • Reduce your fall risk.
  • Maintain your independence.

Who should NOT take this course?

  • Those who are not willing to put the training into practice.
  • Those who are seeking to replace individualized therapy or medical care.
  • Those who are looking for an individualized exercise program.

In-person training can get expensive!

Average Physical Therapy Visit - $125 - 150+ / visit

Four to Six Therapy Visits - $600 - $1000+

This comprehensive online training course currently has over 4 hours of training.

This online course content is similar to that which is covered over many in person physical therapy sessions. This easily exceeds $600 - $1000+.

Another disadvantage of in-person training is that you must remember everything. You may not have the ability to recall all that was taught, and thus you may require additional follow up sessions.

Learning with an online course format however, allows you to pause, rewind, and re-watch the content over your lifetime. This reduces the need for follow-up sessions and the associated cost of the training.

Falls are more expensive!

Hospital Surgery 


Nursing Home

$89,000+ per year

Medical and nursing home stay

$225,000 - $400,000+

Nursing home stay 

2.5 - 5 years

Quality of life


don't fall
online training course

Learn how to reduce your fall risk and maintain your independence at home.



  • Lifetime Access
  • Immediate Start
  • Access to All Modules
  • Access to Future Course Content
  • Exclusive E-Book Version of Don't Fall! 101 Ways to Reduce Your Fall Risk at Home
  • Mobility Workbook Download


Money Back Guarantee

100% Satisfaction Guarantee for 30-Days

If you are not fully satisfied with the course, just let us know within 30 days from your purchase and we will be able to provide you with a refund.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I enroll in the online course?

Click on the red "Enroll Now" button below this section and you will be taken to the Registration Page

On the Registration Page, fill out your name, email address, and a password you can remember for the future, then click "Create Account" button. 

This will log you into the site and Purchase Page. After you enter in your payment details, click the "Pay" button to complete your purchase using a credit or debit card.

After your purchase will then be directed to the Order Confirmation PageOn this page, click the "Click Here to Access the Course!" button.

You will then be directed to the Don't Fall course page. 

You should automatically be logged in to access the course. If you are not automatically logged in, log in using the email address and password that you set up when creating your account.

You will also receive a confirmation email with your Receipt, as well as your Oder which will also include a link to the course for future reference.

What do I do after I enroll?

After you have purchased the course (see above "How do I enroll in the online course?"), you should automaitcally be logged in to the page. You will then have access to all the modules, chapters, and lesson videos within the course.

If you are not automatically logged in, either click the link provided in your email to be directed to the course, or go to:

Once here, log in with the same email address and password that you first registered with when you enrolled in the course.

How do I access the course once I have purchased it?

Once you have purchased the course, you will be directed to the course page. You should be automatically logged in. If you are not automatically logged in, just enter the email address and password that you chose when you enrolled in the course.

In the future, all you will need to do is go to "" in order to log back in to pick up where you left off in the course.

How long is the course?

Currently, there are over 110 videos and more are being added. Each video is of varying lengths, depending on the topic. There is over 4 hours of training and teaching content at this time.

Will there be future videos added to the course?

There will likely be additional future videos added as the course expands.

Do I have to start the course from the beginning?

The course was specifically designed with an order to each of the modules. It is encouraged to go through each module, chapter, and lesson in order.

With that said however, if you want to jump ahead or jump around to particular areas of interest, feel free to do so! You have lifetime access to all the videos both now and in the future.

Some information may be more applicable to you in the future so feel free to continue on to areas you want to focus on right now.

Can I access the course using my iPad, tablet, or smart phone?

Yes, indeed! As long as you have internet access, you can log into the site to access the course.

How long will I have access to the course videos?

You will have lifetime access to the online course videos after you have purchased the course. All you need to do is remember your log-in information for future use.

What if I don't have a computer or internet?

In order for you to have access to the online course, you will need to use either your computer or mobile device that can connect to the internet. The videos can only be accessed when you are logged into the course through the internet.

Is there homework involved with the course? Tests? Pop-Quizzes?!

There is no homework or tests. Any "pops" that you may have heard may have came from one of your joints.

Do you teach exercises in the course?

Yes and no. While there are some basic exercises that are taught throughout the course, it is essential to work with a physical therapist directly who can provide you with an individualized plan to follow based off of your body's unique needs.

Do you offer one-on-one consultation?

At this time, we do not offer one-on-one consultations or individualized video calls at this time. Perhaps in the future!

Why do I need a course about preventing falls if I haven't fallen in the past?

100% of people who have had a fall, did not have a fall before their first time. You never know when a fall is going to happen. Every 11 seconds, one in four adults will have a fall related injury requiring medical attention.

What are your credentials?

I've grown up around physical therapy my whole life. My dad has been practicing for over 40 years. I first received my bachelors degree in Human Performance and went on to receive my doctorate degree in Physical Therapy. I have also taken extensive advanced vestibular (inner ear and balance stuff) training at Emory.

What is your expertise and where have you practiced?

I began my career as a physical therapist in the hospital and then transitioned to an intensive rehabilitation hospital where my goal was to help my clients become as independent as possible to hopefully return safely home. I then transitioned to home health therapy where I am still practicing currently. I have been in practice for a decade.

My clients and fellow colleagues have affirmed my expertise being my ability to teach and distill difficult concepts to everyday understandable language. I also have expertise in the often overlooked complex vestibular (inner ear) balance system.

How did you get involved in physical therapy?

I consider myself blessed to be born and raised into beautiful sunny Florida. Physical therapy has always been a part of my family’s life. My dad, John, has been a physical therapist for over 40 years now. After a life-threatening bike accident that my dad had, my eyes were opened to the importance of physical therapy. My dad went from being a marathon runner to being bed-bound and then wheelchair bound. The doctors said he would never walk again. With the help of my mom, and the physical therapists who came to help him at the house, I was able to see firsthand how he improved. Eventually he began walking again with a walker and then a cane. Thankfully, he was able to get back to running and is still running marathons even today! After seeing that transformation, I decided to go volunteer at his clinic where he treated his clients. I fell in love with helping people.

Speaking of falling in love, I remember my knees getting weak and almost falling when I saw my wife for the first time! What you don’t yet realize, is my wife, Lauren, was also involved in a traumatic life-threatening car accident where she sustained a traumatic brain injury and a crushed pelvis. At the scene of the accident, she was incubated and life-flighted to the nearest trauma center. She was able to come out of the coma a little after 2 weeks and she then had to re-learn how to breathe, talk, stand up, and walk again. In addition to physical therapy, she also received occupational and speech therapy. With the Lord’s help, and her hard work through therapy, she was able to make a near almost full recovery. Needless to say, reducing fall risk is huge on my heart.

What do I do if I didn't receive an email after my purchase?

If for some reason you did not receive a confirmation email after you completed your purchase, please check your "Spam" or "Junk" folders in your email provider. If the email is still not found, reach out to us through email at

What if I forgot password to log in to the course?

If you forget your password on the log in section of the course, click "I forgot my password" and you will be sent an email to reset your password.

What if I am not satisifed with the course?

No problem! We offer a 30 day refund policy if you are not fully satisfied. Please contact us and we will issue you a refund. After the refund, you will no longer have access to the course.

What if I find your humor or jokes at times boring?

You get to see what it's like to be in my wife's shoes - God bless her.

Don't Fall
online training course

Learn how to reduce your fall risk and maintain your independence at home.



  • Lifetime Access
  • Immediate Start
  • Access to All Modules
  • Access to Future Course Content
  • Exclusive E-Book Version of Don't Fall! 101 Ways to Reduce Your Fall Risk at Home
  • Mobility Workbook Download

A personal note from Shawn,

This course was crafted for people just like you who take their health seriously; I have truly enjoyed creating it. My hope is that you will not just learn the content within the course, but that you will take action with that knowlege.

This course was crafted in order help you maintain your independence and dignity by helping you learn how to reduce your fall risk.

If this course has helped you achieve your goals, it has accomplished its purpose.
